Angelika Barbe

German politician
Angelika Barbe
Barbe in 1990
Angelika Mangoldt

(1951-11-26) 26 November 1951 (age 72)
Occupation(s)Peace activist
Political partySDP

Angelika Barbe (née Mangoldt, 26 November 1951) is a German biologist who became a politician.[1]

During the changes in the later 1980s, which led to a restoration of democracy in East Germany and German reunification just over six months later, she played a leading role in the opposition movement, and was a co-founder of the relaunched (in East Germany) Social Democratic party.[2] Following reunification she served as a member of the national parliament (Bundestag) between 1990 and 1994.[3] She has been identified with a certain "moral rigour" which was on display in 1996 when she switched her political allegiance from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) to the CDU (centre-right party) because she found her SPD party colleagues unnecessarily accommodating with the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) (which was at that stage a partially re-invented successor to what had been the ruling party in the old East German one-party dictatorship).[4]


Angelika Mangoldt was born in Brandenburg an der Havel, a small town then in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), near Berlin. Her father was a freelance landscape gardener who later worked as a builder in a cooperative.[2] She attended school at Schenkenberg and, between 1966 and 1970, at Jeserig nearby. After this she attended a pre-university school ("Erweiterte Oberschule") at Ziesar.[2] In order to progress to higher education it was necessary to pass her school leaving exams ("Abitur"). She encountered major difficulties in obtaining permission to sit the exam because by this time her parents were listed by the authorities as "negative and hostile" ("feindlich negativ") because they made a point of boycotting the country's phony elections (in which, officially, more than 99% of those entitled to vote always participated and more than 99% of those voting backed the single list of candidates put forward by the ruling party).[3] Nevertheless, in the context of East Germany's acute shortage of skilled labour, she took her Abitur, passing a semi-vocational exam designed for skilled manual workers ("Betriebsschlosser"), with a "distinction" citation in 1970. She was able to pass the exam in this way without compromising her political independence.[3]

She studied Biology at Berlin's Humboldt University between 1970 and 1974, with a particular focus on behavioural aspects.[1] Between 1974 and 1979 she worked for a year in "plant preservation" in Potsdam, and then as a biologist with the Hygiene Inspectorate in Berlin's Lichtenberg quarter.[1] Around this time she got married. While bringing up her (three) small children she continued to study behavioural biology in spare moments.[1] She also joined the local (Protestant) church council and over time began to take a closer interest in potentially political issues such as environmental concerns, human rights and pacifism.[3] It was through her church connections that she came across the Pankow Peace Circle, which had been established by Ruth Misselwitz [de] in 1981.[5] Angelika Barbe joined the peace circle in 1986.[2] In 1987 she was a co-founder, with Marianne Eschenhagen, of the Women's Working Group in Berlin's Johannisthal quarter ("Johannisthaler Frauenarbeitskreise").[3] During 1988/89 she became involved in the Peace Working Group around Ulrike Poppe, Jens Reich and Marianne Birthler.[2] As political tensions rose, especially in the cities, she came under state surveillance in the Ministry for State Security's so-called "Operation Hysteria".[2]

Barbe was one of the small group of people who on 7 October 1989 formed a new incarnation of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in the Berlin area (initially) of East Germany.[6] She was voted the party's number 2 spokesperson and, in January 1990, its deputy chair.[2] After reunification in October 1990 the East German SDP merged into the West German SPD, which left Angelika Barbe a prominent member of what was, at that point, Germany's second largest political party in terms of vote share.

Meanwhile, in March 1990 East Germany held its first and - as matters turned out - last free and fair general election. The SDP's 21.9% vote share entitled it to 88 of the 400 seats in the national parliament (Volkskammer), and Angelika Barbe, as a candidate, was high enough up on the party list to be elected. She was a member between March and October 1990, serving as chair of the parliamentary committee on women and family.[3]

Barbe on an election poster, 1998

After reunification she became a member of the Bundestag between December 1990 and November 1994, elected as part of the SPD party list for the Berlin electoral district. Despite being a member of the SPD party executive during that period, her uncompromising clarity of thought and expression within the party made Barbe the opposite of a natural political networker.[7] She was not favoured by the party officials in Berlin with an easily winnable position on the national party list, instead being pitched against Gregor Gysi of the PDS in the East Berlin electoral district.[7] She was not re-elected in 1994, and a period of unemployment followed.[2]

Between 1995 and 1998 she worked as a senior hospital administrator in Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg quarter. She nevertheless remained politically concerned, in December 1996 switching her political allegiance from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) to the CDU (centre-right party) because she objected to her SPD party (former) comrades entering into political alliances with the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS).[4] She was joined in switching from national left-wing parties to the CDU by other former citizen rights activists from the East German period, such as Günter Nooke and Vera Lengsfeld.[8] It was also in 1996 that Barbe was a co-founder of the Berlin Citizens' Office for Evaluating the Consequences of the SED Dictatorship ("Berliner Bürgerbüro zur Aufarbeitung von Folgeschäden der SED-Diktatur").[2]

In 2001 she became a member of the National Executive of the umbrella organisation for Communist Tyranny Victims' Associations ("Union der Opferverbände Kommunistischer Gewaltherrschaft" / UOKG),[9] serving as the organisation's deputy chair until 2007.[2] She has also been actively involved between 2000 and 2017 (when she retired) with the Saxony Regional Office for Political Education ("Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung").[2]


  1. ^ a b c d "Angelika Barbe deutsche Biologin und Politikerin; CDU". Munzinger-Archiv GmbH, Ravensburg. Retrieved 3 February 2017.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Helmut Müller-Enbergs. "Barbe, Angelika geb. Mangoldt * 26.11.1951 Mitbegründerin der SDP". Wer war wer in der DDR?. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin & Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur, Berlin. Retrieved 3 February 2017.
  3. ^ a b c d e f "Angelika Barbe: Referentin der Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Sachsen" (PDF). Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. Retrieved 3 February 2017.
  4. ^ a b Stefan Berg; Andreas Wassermann (24 April 2000). "Einfach ausgedient: Die ehemaligen DDR-Bürgerrechtler geraten in der CDU Angela Merkels ins Abseits. Ihr moralischer Rigorismus stört beim Kampf um Mehrheiten im Osten". Der Spiegel (online). Retrieved 3 February 2017.
  5. ^ "Wowereit händigt Verdienstkreuz an Ruth Misselwitz aus: "Würdigung des Lebenswerks einer engagierten Bürgerrechtlerin"". press release. Presse- und Informationsamt des Landes Berlin. 18 February 2014. Retrieved 3 February 2017.
  6. ^ In a contentious party merger back in October 1946 the Social Democratic, then resurfacing after the Nazi Years had been merged with the Communist Party to form the Socialist Unity Party, from which (former) Social Democrats had then been systematically excluded from positions of power and influence.
  7. ^ a b Sabine Deckwerth (14 September 1994). "Wählerinitiative will Angelika Barbe gegen PDS-Kandidat Gysi unterstützen Auf nahezu aussichtslosem Posten". Berliner Zeitung. Retrieved 5 February 2017.
  8. ^ Juliane Wedemeyer (19 August 2009). "Eine Frau, die gerne aneckt: Wo sie ist, gibt es Probleme, denn sie macht, was sie will. In der DDR wurde Vera Lengsfeld so zum Star, nach der Wende zur Nervensäge". Die Zeit. Die Zeit (online). Retrieved 5 February 2017.
  9. ^ "Angelika Barbe". DDR 1989/90. Erhard Kleps, Berlin. Retrieved 5 February 2017.
  • v
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President: Philipp Jenninger until 11 November 1988; Rita Süssmuth from 11 November 1988 (CDU)
  • v
  • t
  • e
  • CDU:
  • Abelein
  • Ackermann (from 3 October 1990)
  • Albrecht (from 3 October 1990)
  • Augustin (from 6 December 1989)
  • Austermann
  • Barthel (from 3 October 1990)
  • Bauer (from 3 October 1990)
  • Bauer
  • Bayha
  • Becker (from 3 October 1990)
  • Becker
  • Berger (until 26 September 1989)
  • Bergmann-Pohl (from 3 October 1990)
  • Biedenkopf (until 9 November 1990)
  • Blank
  • Blens
  • Blüm
  • Bohl
  • Bohlsen
  • Böhm
  • Borchert
  • Börnsen
  • Breuer
  • Brudlewsky (from 3 October 1990)
  • Bühler
  • Buschbom
  • Carstens
  • Carstensen
  • Clemens
  • Creter (from 3 October 1990)
  • Czaja
  • Daniels
  • Daweke
  • Dehnel (from 3 October 1990)
  • Dempwolf
  • Deres
  • Dewitz (from 20 February 1990)
  • Dorendorf (from 3 October 1990)
  • Dörflinger
  • Doss
  • Dregger
  • Echternach
  • Ehlers (from 3 October 1990)
  • Ehrbar
  • Eigen
  • Eylmann
  • Feilcke
  • Fell
  • Fiedler (from 3 October 1990)
  • Fischer (from 3 October 1990)
  • Fischer
  • Fischer
  • Francke
  • Friedmann (until 5 February 1990)
  • Fuchtel
  • Funk (from 20 May 1988 until 24 August 1989)
  • Ganz
  • Geisler (from 3 October 1990)
  • Geißler
  • Geldern
  • Gerstein
  • Gerster
  • Göhner
  • Goldhahn (from 3 October 1990)
  • Göttsching (from 3 October 1990)
  • Gries (from 3 October 1990)
  • Grünewald
  • Günther
  • Häfele
  • Harries
  • Haschke (from 3 October 1990)
  • Haschke (from 3 October 1990)
  • Haungs
  • Hauser
  • Hauser
  • Hedrich
  • Hellwig
  • Helmrich
  • Hennig
  • Herkenrath
  • Hinrichs
  • Hoffacker
  • Hoffmann
  • Holz (from 3 October 1990)
  • Hönicke (from 3 October 1990)
  • Hornhues
  • Hornung (from 6 February 1990)
  • Hörster
  • Hürland-Büning
  • Hüsch
  • Jaffke (from 3 October 1990)
  • Jäger (from 1 July 1988)
  • Jahn
  • Jenninger
  • Jork (from 3 October 1990)
  • Jung
  • Jung
  • Kalisch
  • Kansy
  • Kappes
  • Karwatzki
  • Kittelmann
  • Kleditzsch (from 3 October 1990)
  • Klinkert (from 3 October 1990)
  • Koch (from 3 October 1990)
  • Kohl
  • Köhler (from 3 October 1990)
  • Köhler
  • Kolb
  • Koslowski (from 3 October 1990)
  • Kossendey
  • Krause (from 3 October 1990)
  • Krause (from 3 October 1990)
  • Krey
  • Kroll-Schlüter
  • Kronenberg
  • Krüger (from 3 October 1990)
  • Lamers
  • Lammert
  • Landgraf (from 3 October 1990)
  • Langner
  • Lattmann
  • Laufs
  • Leja (from 3 October 1990)
  • Lenzer
  • Limbach
  • Link
  • Link
  • Lippold
  • Lohmann (from 12 November 1990)
  • Lorenz (until 6 December 1987)
  • Louven
  • Lummer
  • Maaß
  • Magin
  • Mahlo (from 9 December 1987)
  • Maizière (from 3 October 1990)
  • Marschewski
  • Martini (from 3 October 1990)
  • Meyer
  • Michalk (from 3 October 1990)
  • Michels
  • Miltner (until 20 May 1988)
  • Möller
  • Müller
  • Müller
  • Nelle
  • Neuling
  • Neumann
  • Nitsch (from 3 October 1990)
  • Nolte (from 3 October 1990)
  • Nowack (from 3 October 1990)
  • Olderog
  • Paar (from 3 October 1990)
  • Pack (until 8 September 1989)
  • Patzig (from 3 October 1990)
  • Pesch
  • Petersen
  • Pfeffermann
  • Pfeifer
  • Pfeiffer (from 3 October 1990)
  • Pfennig
  • Pinger
  • Pohlmeier
  • Priebus (from 3 October 1990)
  • Rau (from 3 October 1990)
  • Rauber (from 3 October 1990)
  • Rauen
  • Rawe
  • Reddemann
  • Rehm (from 3 October 1990)
  • Reichenbach (from 3 October 1990)
  • Repnik
  • Riesenhuber
  • Roitzsch
  • Rönsch
  • Rost (from 26 September 1989 until 16 February 1990)
  • Roth
  • Rother (from 3 October 1990)
  • Ruf
  • Rühe
  • Rüttgers
  • Sauer
  • Sauer
  • Sauter
  • Scharf (from 3 October 1990)
  • Scharrenbroich
  • Schartz
  • Schätzle (from 25 August 1989)
  • Schäuble
  • Schemken
  • Schmidbauer
  • Schmidt (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schmidt (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schmidt (from 9 September 1989)
  • Schmitz
  • Schmude
  • Schneider (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schneider (from 8 February 1990)
  • Schorlemer
  • Schreiber
  • Schroeder
  • Schulhoff
  • Schulte
  • Schulze
  • Schwalbe (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schwarz
  • Schwarz-Schilling
  • Schwörer
  • Seesing
  • Seiters
  • Selke (from 3 October 1990)
  • Sprung
  • Stark
  • Stavenhagen
  • Stercken
  • Stoltenberg
  • Straßmeir
  • Strube
  • Susset
  • Süssmuth
  • Tamm (from 3 October 1990)
  • Thees (from 3 October 1990)
  • Tillmann
  • Todenhöfer
  • Toscher (from 3 October 1990)
  • Uelhoff
  • Uldall
  • Unger (from 3 October 1990)
  • Unland
  • Verhülsdonk
  • Vogel
  • Vogt
  • Voigt
  • Vondran
  • Waffenschmidt
  • Wagner (from 3 October 1990)
  • Waldburg-Zeil
  • Wallmann (until 29 April 1987)
  • Warrikoff
  • Wartenberg
  • Weirich (from 29 April 1987 until 6 December 1989)
  • Weiß (until 6 February 1990)
  • Werner
  • Wetzel (from 3 October 1990)
  • Wieczorek (from 3 October 1990)
  • Will-Feld
  • Wilms
  • Wilz
  • Wimmer
  • Windelen
  • Wisniewski
  • Wissmann
  • Wonneberger (from 3 October 1990)
  • Wörner (until 30 June 1988)
  • Wulff
  • Würzbach
  • Zimmermann (from 3 October 1990)
  • Zink
  • Zuydtwyck

  • DSU:
  • Gottschall (from 3 October 1994)
  • Haschke (from 3 October 1991)
  • Landgraf (from 3 October 1993)
  • Schmidt (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schmiele (from 3 October 1995)
  • Steiner (from 3 October 1992)
  • Tiesler (from 3 October 1996)
  • Walther (from 3 October 1997)
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  • Members:
  • Adler
  • Ahrens
  • Amende (from 3 October 1990)
  • Amling
  • Andres
  • Antretter
  • Apel
  • Bachmaier
  • Bahr
  • Bamberg
  • Barbe (from 3 October 1990)
  • Becker
  • Becker-Inglau
  • Bernrath
  • Bindig
  • Blunck
  • Bogisch (from 3 October 1990)
  • Böhme
  • Börnsen
  • Botz (from 3 October 1990)
  • Brandt
  • Brück
  • Büchler
  • Büchner
  • Bulmahn
  • Bülow
  • Buschfort
  • Catenhusen
  • Conrad (until 31 May 1990)
  • Conradi
  • Daubertshäuser
  • Däubler-Gmelin
  • Diederich (from 12 May 1989)
  • Diller
  • Dobberthien (from 1 July 1987 until 29 August 1988)
  • Dräger (from 3 October 1990)
  • Dreßler
  • Duve
  • Egert
  • Ehmke
  • Ehrenberg
  • Elmer (from 3 October 1990)
  • Emmerlich
  • Erler
  • Esters
  • Ewen
  • Faße
  • Fischer
  • Fritsch (from 3 October 1990)
  • Fuchs
  • Fuchs
  • Ganseforth
  • Gansel
  • Gautier
  • Gerster
  • Gilges
  • Glotz
  • Götte
  • Graf
  • Großmann
  • Grunenberg
  • Gutzeit (from 3 October 1990)
  • Haack
  • Haack
  • Haar
  • Hacker (from 3 October 1990)
  • Hämmerle
  • Hartenstein
  • Hasenfratz
  • Hauchler
  • Hauff (until 14 June 1989)
  • Häuser (from 2 January 1990)
  • Heimann
  • Heistermann
  • Heltzig (from 3 October 1989)
  • Herberholz (from 1 September 1990)
  • Heyenn
  • Hiller
  • Hilsberg (from 3 October 1990)
  • Holtz
  • Horn
  • Huonker
  • Ibrügger
  • Jahn
  • Jansen (until 16 June 1988)
  • Jaunich
  • Jens
  • Jung
  • Jungmann
  • Kalz (from 3 October 1990)
  • Kamilli (from 3 October 1990)
  • Kastner (from 22 May 1989)
  • Kastning
  • Kiehm
  • Kirschner
  • Kisslinger
  • Klein (until 18 December 1989)
  • Klejdzinski
  • Klose
  • Kolbow
  • Koltzsch
  • Koschnick
  • Krehl (from 3 October 1990)
  • Kretkowski
  • Kübler (from 15 June 1989)
  • Kuessner (from 3 October 1990)
  • Kugler (from 1 June 1990)
  • Kühbacher
  • Kuhlwein
  • Lambinus
  • Leidinger
  • Lennartz
  • Leonhart
  • Lohmann
  • Lucyga (from 3 October 1990)
  • Lutz
  • Luuk
  • Martiny-Glotz (until 22 May 1989)
  • Matthäus-Maier
  • Menzel
  • Mertens
  • Meyer
  • Misselwitz (from 3 October 1990)
  • Mitzscherling (until 10 May 1989)
  • Morgenstern (from 3 October 1990)
  • Müller
  • Müller
  • Müller
  • Müntefering
  • Nagel
  • Nehm
  • Niehuis
  • Niese
  • Niggemeier
  • Nöbel
  • Odendahl
  • Oesinghaus
  • Oostergetelo
  • Opel (from 20 June 1988)
  • Osswald (from 6 June 1988)
  • Paterna
  • Pauli
  • Penner
  • Peter
  • Pfuhl
  • Pick
  • Porzner (until 2 October 1990)
  • Poß
  • Purps
  • Rappe
  • Reimann
  • Renger
  • Reschke
  • Reuschenbach
  • Reuter
  • Richter (from 3 October 1990)
  • Rixe
  • Roth
  • Schäfer
  • Schanz
  • Scheer
  • Schemmel (from 3 October 1990)
  • Scherrer (until 31 August 1990)
  • Schluckebier
  • Schmidt
  • Schmidt
  • Schmidt
  • Schmude
  • Schnell (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schöfberger
  • Schreiner
  • Schröder (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schröer
  • Schultze (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schütz
  • Schwanitz (from 3 October 1990)
  • Seeger (from 3 October 1990)
  • Seidenthal
  • Seuster
  • Sielaff
  • Sieler
  • Simonis (until 8 June 1988)
  • Singer
  • Skarpelis-Sperk
  • Soell
  • Sonntag-Wolgast (from 14 June 1988)
  • Sorge (from 3 October 1990)
  • Sperling
  • Spöri (until 5 June 1988)
  • Stahl
  • Steiner
  • Steinhauer
  • Stephan (from 3 October 1990)
  • Stiegler
  • Stobbe
  • Stockmann (from 3 October 1990)
  • Struck
  • Terborg
  • Thierse (from 3 October 1990)
  • Tietjen
  • Timm
  • Toetemeyer
  • Traupe
  • Uecker (from 3 October 1990)
  • Urbaniak
  • Vahlberg
  • Verheugen
  • Vogel
  • Voigt
  • Voigtländer (from 3 October 1990)
  • Vosen
  • Waltemathe
  • Walther
  • Wartenberg
  • Wegner (from 31 August 1988)
  • Weiermann
  • Weiler
  • Weinhofer (from 3 October 1990)
  • Weis (from 3 October 1990)
  • Weißgerber (from 3 October 1990)
  • Weisskirchen
  • Wernitz
  • Westphal
  • Weyel
  • Wieczorek
  • Wieczorek
  • Wieczorek-Zeul
  • Wiefelspütz
  • Wiesche
  • Wimmer
  • Wischnewski
  • With
  • Wittich
  • Würtz
  • Zander
  • Zeitler
  • Zumkley
  • Zutt (until 29 June 1987)
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Speaker: Thomas Ebermann, Bärbel Rust, Waltraud Schoppe until 26 January 1988; Helmut Lippelt, Regula Schmidt-Bott, Christa Vennegerts until 30 January 1989, Helmut Lippelt, Jutta Oesterle-Schwerin, Antje Vollmer until 15 January 1990; Willi Hoss, Waltraud Schoppe (until 21 June 1990), Marianne Birthler (from 4 October 1990), Antje Vollmer
  • AL:
  • Frieß (from 21 February 1989)
  • Olms (until 20 February 1989)
  • Sellin (until 20 February 1989)
  • Vogl (from 21 February 1989)
  • Bündnis 90:
  • Birthler (from 3 October 1990)
  • Gauck (from 3 October 1990 until 4 October 1990)
  • Schulz (from 3 October 1990)
  • Tschiche (from 3 October 1990)
  • Ullmann (from 3 October 1990)
  • Die Grünen:
  • Beck-Oberdorf
  • Beer
  • Brahmst-Rock
  • Brauer
  • Daniels
  • Ebermann (until 18 February 1989)
  • Eich (from 20 February 1989)
  • Eid
  • Flinner
  • Garbe
  • Häfner
  • Hensel
  • Hillerich
  • Hoss
  • Hüser
  • Kelly
  • Kleinert
  • Knabe
  • Kottwitz (from 8 November 1989)
  • Kreuzeder
  • Krieger (until 4 April 1989)
  • Lippelt
  • Mechtersheimer
  • Nickels
  • Oesterle-Schwerin
  • Roske (from 22 June 1990)
  • Rust
  • Saibold
  • Schilling
  • Schily (until 7 November 1989)
  • Schmidt (from 20 February 1989)
  • Schmidt-Bott (until 18 February 1989)
  • Schoppe (until 21 June 1990)
  • Stratmann
  • Such (from 4 April 1989)
  • Teubner
  • Trenz
  • Vennegerts
  • Vollmer
  • Volmer
  • Weiss
  • Wetzel
  • Wilms-Kegel
  • Wollny
  • Grüne DDR:
  • Dörfler (from 3 October 1990)
  • Platzeck (from 3 October 1990)
  • Wollenberger (from 5 October 1990)
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Speaker: Gregor Gysi
  • Members:
  • Bittner (from 3 October 1990)
  • Deneke (from 3 October 1990)
  • Enkelmann (from 3 October 1990)
  • Fache (from 3 October 1990)
  • Fischer (from 3 October 1990)
  • Friedrich (from 3 October 1990)
  • Fuchs (from 3 October 1990)
  • Gysi (from 3 October 1990)
  • Heuer (from 3 October 1990)
  • Kaufmann (from 3 October 1990)
  • Keller (from 3 October 1990)
  • Kertscher (from 3 October 1990)
  • Klein (from 3 October 1990)
  • Modrow (from 3 October 1990)
  • Morgenstern (from 3 October 1990)
  • Ostrowski (from 3 October 1990)
  • Riege (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schönebeck (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schumann (from 3 October 1990)
  • Schumann (from 3 October 1990)
  • Seifert (from 3 October 1990)
  • Steinitz (from 3 October 1990)
  • Stolfa (from 3 October 1990)
  • Wegener (from 3 October 1990)
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Speaker: Alfred Dregger until 25 November 1991; Wolfgang Schäuble from 25 November 1991
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Speaker: Hans-Jochen Vogel until 12 November 1991; Hans-Ulrich Klose from 12 November 1991
  • Members:
  • Adler
  • Alltschekow (from 3 August 1994)
  • Andres
  • Antretter
  • Bachmaier
  • Barbe
  • Bartsch
  • Becker
  • Becker-Inglau
  • Berger
  • Bernrath
  • Bersch (from 22 August 1994)
  • Beucher
  • Bindig
  • Blunck
  • Bock (from 4 July 1991)
  • Böhme
  • Börnsen
  • Brandt (until 8 October 1992)
  • Brandt-Elsweier
  • Brecht
  • Büchler
  • Büchner (from 10 June 1991)
  • Bulmahn
  • Bülow
  • Burchardt
  • Bury
  • Büttner
  • Caspers-Merk
  • Catenhusen
  • Conradi
  • Daubertshäuser
  • Däubler-Gmelin
  • Dehm (from 16 August 1994)
  • Diederich
  • Diller
  • Dobberthien
  • Dreßler
  • Duve
  • Ebert
  • Eckardt
  • Ehmke
  • Eich
  • Elmer
  • Erler
  • Esters
  • Ewen
  • Ferner
  • Fischer
  • Fischer
  • Formanski
  • Fuchs
  • Fuchs
  • Fuhrmann
  • Ganseforth
  • Gansel
  • Gautier
  • Gerster (until 7 June 1991)
  • Gilges
  • Gleicke
  • Glotz
  • Götte (until 7 June 1991)
  • Graf
  • Großmann
  • Haack
  • Hacker
  • Hämmerle (until 31 July 1994)
  • Hampel
  • Hanewinckel
  • Hartenstein
  • Hasenfratz
  • Hauchler
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  • Müller
  • Müller
  • Müller
  • Müller
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  • Neumann
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  • Niggemeyer (from 22 October 1992 until 29 October 1992)
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  • Walter (from 10 June 1991 until 21 August 1994)
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  • Weis
  • Weisheit (from 29 June 1992)
  • Weißgerber
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  • With
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  • Wolf
  • Zapf
  • Zöpel
  • Zumkley (until 3 July 1991)
  • v
  • t
  • e
  • v
  • t
  • e
Speaker: Gregor Gysi
  • v
  • t
  • e
Speaker: Werner Schulz
  • v
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  • e
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  • VIAF
  • WorldCat
  • Germany