
Nicarchides from Pydna, son of Simus, was a general of Alexander the Great. In 331/0 he was appointed phrourarchos of Persepolis and placed in charge of a garrison of 3,000 men . Nicarchides was also trierarch of the Hydaspes fleet of Nearchus.


  • Who's who in the age of Alexander the Great: prosopography of Alexander's empire by Waldemar Heckel ISBN 978-1-4051-1210-9
  • v
  • t
  • e
Alexander the Great's Generals
Philip II's Generals
  • Attalus
  • Parmenion
  • Antipater
  • Eumenes
The Somatophylakes
(Alexander's bodyguards)
  • Aristonous (to 323 BC)
  • Arybbas (to 332 BC)
  • Balacrus (to 333 BC)
  • Demetrius (to 331 BC)
  • Lysimachus (to 323 BC)
  • Ptolemy (son of Seleucus) (to 333 BC)
  • Peithon (to 323 BC)
  • Hephaestion (to 324 BC)
  • Menes (to 330 BC)
  • Leonnatus (to 323 BC)
  • Perdiccas (to 323 BC)
  • Ptolemy (to 323 BC)
  • Peucestas (to 323 BC)
Satraps at the
Partition of Babylon
(323 BC)
Satraps at the
Partition of Triparadisus
(321 BC)Cavalry GeneralsInfantry Generals
Other or unknown
(1) Son of Parmenion, d. 330 BC; to be distinguished from (2)

(2) Satrap at Partition of Babylon; possibly Nicanor of Stageira
(3) Satrap at Partition of Babylon

(4) Son of Parmenion, d. 330 BC; to be distinguished from (3)